See my work Here
My play, "City Jail," was presented for the second time in 2024!
"City Jail" is a courtroom drama chronicling a false claim of sexual harassment. Loosely based on my experience defending such claims in my legal career, the play examines the origins of such allegations and the damage they cause.
Click here to watch a video of the performance by the Abbey Theater.
The reprise performance of "City Jail" at the Abbey Theater of Dublin (Ohio) in November 2024 was very well received!
​​​​Link to Abbey Theater
The world premiere full production of my revised and expanded play, "City Jail," took place over Veterans' Day Weekend, November 11, 12 and 13, 2022 at the Abbey Theater of Dublin, Ohio, 5600 Post Rd, Dublin, OH 43017. I am told it was a resounding success (I thought so too)!
See Abbey Theater's press release about the November 2022 performances here.
Both performances were directed by Joe Bishara and the assembled cast was superb!
​Here's what they said about "City Jail":
This Week News
If you missed it, you can still watch the premiere performance online for free for a limited time here.
Feel free to contact my Director, Joe Bishara, Theater Supervisor for the Abbey Theater, at 614.410.4554 or
For more information about Stage Right Theatrics, contact Robert Cooperman at
Interested in presenting "City Jail?" Please get in touch using the "Get in Touch" button below.

A false claim of harassment

It must be true because she said so . . .

For reviews of my play City Jail, see below

Telling Our Stories
"City Jail": a play in four acts
"Witness to History" -- Village View, Feb. 2020
Fate Stacked the Deck, an autobiography by Dan Clevenger (Editor)
Out for Publication:
Mist on the Bosporus, an autobiography by Alan Fiers (Editor)
Currently working on
The King's Cellist, an historical biographical fiction
This is the story of Henry Steckelberg, the 19th century cellist-turned farmer who abandoned a prestigious position as court musician with the King of Hanover, led the British German Legion band, and sailed to the New World to live in a democracy. He joined the Union Army and was playing in Ford's Theatre the night Lincoln was shot. He went on to perform with the New York Philharmonic for 14 years before the loss of two children in the New York cholera epidemic prompted him to take his chances farming on the Nebraska frontier.
Clients & Collaborations
Alan D. Fiers
The Village View
Dan Clevenger
What they are saying about Catherine Adams
As Playwright:
"Spellbinding" - Jeff & Pat S.
Thought provoking. - Thomas, J.
Very interesting story line from a unique perspective. - Bentine, L.
Great play! A topic that is rarely discussed with far-reaching ramifications. - Ward, K.
City Jail [is] absolutely fantastic, both in written script and production. - Ridder, W.
Excellent play! It presented a very sad side of the legal system in a very thought provoking way. What a crime that even those that win their cases often still end up as losers. Johnson, K.
What a terrific show last night!!! The actors performed it beautifully. We really enjoyed reading your program notes, too. - Harbecht, S.
A very good perspective on the play and its context.
A"must see." Hopefully it will get performed again. - Swanson, K.
As Editor:
Catherine Adams edited a four hundred page manuscript that I wrote. The manuscript is currently being reviewed for possible publication. All who have read it, agree that it is well written and easy to read. Without Catherine’s assistance, the manuscript would have been nowhere near the quality it is now. Her suggestions on sentence formation, paragraphing and general formatting were invaluable. She quickly grasped the subject matter and provided suggestions on how to make it more understandable for the reader. And of course her command of the English language and grammar is top level.​
Catherine is easy to work with. She is very smart and efficient. I highly recommend her as an editor or co-author.
-- Alan D. Fiers.​
Catherine Adams cleaned up my manuscript and provided her experienced insight.
-- Dan Clevenger